Archlinux Live

Archlinux Live Average ratng: 6,9/10 5814 reviews

Arch Linux should run on any x8664 -compatible machine with a minimum of 512 MiB RAM, though more memory is needed to boot the live system for installation. A A basic installation should take less than 2 GiB of disk space. Hello, i have some issues booting arch linux live Basically, i have libreboot as bios, so it won't read the normal grub menu, i have to load the kernel with the command linux and set initrd from the grub cli to run many of the linux distros. After i digit boot, the distro starts booting, but it show me the error.

  • Categories: bash , cli , linux
  • 3 minutes read

Creating a Arch Linux live USB is easy. In this post, I will walk you throughdownloading and verifying the image, finding your USB drive and copying theimage onto it, all from the convenience of the command line.

Download image and PGP signature

Download the latest Arch Linux image from preferred option is to download the image using BitTorrent, in order not toburden the Arch servers unnecessarily.

Verify downloaded image

If this disk is being created on an Arch Linux system, you could alsoinvoke:

Firefox addon video downloader. The -v switch is short for --verify.

Insert USB drive and check the device name

The -l is short for --list, and will display the device names andpartition tables.

Output will look like:

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Check the output and find the device name of the USB (for instance/dev/sdc). Make sure this device is not mounted, otherwise thenext command will fail. Also make sure you note the device name, andnot a partition (indicated by a numeral at the end: /dev/sdc1, forexample).

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Copy Arch Linux image to USB drive

Archlinux Livepatch


  • if indicates the input file (the .iso of the live Linux distro).
  • of, likewise, points to the output file, which is a device in thiscase. Note that /dev/sdX needs to be replaced with the device namewe found in the previous step.
  • bs=64K indicates the block size, which means that dd will readand write up to 64K bytes at a time. The default is 512 bytes. Itreally depends what the optimal block size is, but severalsourcesindicate that 64K is a good bet on somewhat modern to modernhardware.
  • oflag stands for “output flag”. The sync flag will make surethat all data is written to the USB stick when the dd commandexits, so it will be safe to remove the USB stick.
  • status=progress indicates the level of information that is printedduring file transfer. progress shows periodic transfer statistics.
Arch linux livecd

Arch Linux Live Distro

Notice that the device does not need to be partitioned or empty beforethis operation. When dd writes to a device rather than a partition,all data on the drive – including partitions – will be erased anyway.